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Access FlashInfo 100+
Millions Companies Database
In Single Click

Get instant access to a wealth of 100+ millions company data with advanced search filters and data enrichment using FlashInfo.

Integrates with your tools

Advanced Search Filters

Narrow your company search and find your ideal prospects based on
company location, industry, technologies used, employee count,
founding date,revenue range, and 16+ more filters.

Use 120+ Data Attributes

Maximize your prospecting efficiency with over 150 data attributes available
through FlashInfo. Our extensive people database allows you to make precise
and data-driven decisions when targeting potential leads.

Access Accurate Data

Apart from keeping our data fresh, FlashInfo enable us to track
important company-level events that allows users to rekindle
or connect with new decision-makers who are just starting out
and building their strategy, before competitors catch up.

Company Profile Details

Reaching out to the right company has never been easier. With FlashInfo,
besides usual company data like company location or company size,
you can access company related more informations such as finance,
org chart, related news in within seconds.


Don't just take our word for it.

view our hundreds of testimonials

Access 100+ Millions Companies Now

Free to get started, easy to add your whole sales & marketing team, commit to our monthly or annual plans. FlashInfo make it easy to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common frequently asked questions.

What is the Company Search feature in FlashInfo?

Company Search in FlashInfo is a powerful tool that allows users to discover potential business prospects based on a variety of filters such as company location, industry, technologies used, number of employees, and more.

How accurate is the data provided by the Company Search feature?

FlashInfo is committed to providing high-quality, accurate data. The company continually verifies and updates its data to ensure that the information you receive through the Company Search feature is as accurate and useful as possible.

Can I export the data obtained from the Company Search feature?
Yes, the data obtained from the Company Search feature can be exported for further analysis or use. FlashInfo supports exports to different platforms like HubSpot, Salesforce, and also to CSV files or via an API.
The Topic Intent filter in FlashInfo’s Company Search allows users to find companies that match pre-defined topics. This is an aggregation of signals from various data sources, including websites, webinars, and news. It provides insights about a company’s intent based on their public activities.
Can I save my search settings in the Company Search feature?

Yes, you can save your search settings in FlashInfo’s Company Search. This feature allows you to create new lists based on your filter settings, ensuring that you can efficiently revisit and utilize your tailored search parameters.

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