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Maximize your ROI with FlashInfo’s In-Market- Timing Engine with Intent

It’s time for your marketing and sales teams to unleash their full potential and elevate ROI with FlashInfo’s all in on In-Market Timing Engine.

Integrates with your tools

Reach Ideal Customers

Our cutting-edge feature allows your marketing and sales teams to connect with decision-makers at the optimal time for business discussions. By leveraging intent data, you can engage leads with personalized messaging tailored to their needs.

Data Based Insights

Gain insights into a company’s likelihood to purchase based on behavioral signals, and target prospects based on their technology stacks. This powerful solution empowers you to seize new business opportunities before your competition, keeping your team at the forefront of your industry.

Account-Based Marketing

FlashInfo intent data takes the process of data collection for effective targeting one step further by analyzing important information such as the number of visits on your page, what pages were read and what are the main interest areas to make your ABM process much easier.

Multi Intent Signals

Being partners with the intent data provider,Flashinfo collects intent data through multiple sources, merging signals from the public web, social networks, events, job postings, technology installs, and provide 98% accurate with no guesswork involved.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common frequently asked questions.

What is the In-Market-Timing Engine with Intent in FlashInfo?

The In-Market-Timing Engine with Intent in FlashInfo is a powerful feature that uses intent data to identify when prospects are most likely to make a purchase. It leverages various signals such as social intent, topic intent, job changes, and technology usage to predict buying behavior and optimize the timing of sales outreach.

How does the In-Market-Timing Engine help sales teams?

The In-Market-Timing Engine enables sales teams to engage with prospects when they are most likely to make a purchase. This leads to more effective sales conversations, shorter sales cycles, and improved conversion rates.


How accurate is the In-Market-Timing Engine in predicting buyer intent?
The accuracy of the In-Market-Timing Engine depends on the quality and relevance of the intent data. FlashInfo uses a combination of advanced AI technologies and sophisticated algorithms to analyze various signals, ensuring highly accurate intent predictions.
How is the intent data in the In-Market-Timing Engine gathered?
Intent data is collected from various sources including social media platforms, webinars, job postings, company websites, and other online activities. FlashInfo uses advanced data acquisition technologies to gather this data, ensuring a broad and comprehensive view of buyer intent.
Can I customize the intent signals used by the In-Market-Timing Engine?

Yes, FlashInfo allows users to customize the intent signals based on their specific needs. You can choose from a variety of signals such as social intent, job changes, technology usage, and more to fine-tune your intent predictions.


How does the In-Market-Timing Engine integrate with my sales processes?

The In-Market-Timing Engine can easily integrate into your existing sales processes. It can be used to prioritize prospects, personalize sales outreach, and guide sales conversations, aligning perfectly with your sales strategies.

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